Who are you?


If you close your eyes and ask the question ‘who am I” you will likely be met with a flurry of images, impressions, feelings, likes and dislikes- the flavor, if you will, of your personality. Your “suchness” as it is sometimes called. The “suchness” of the individual can be a place to celebrate and delight in as long as we don’t get stuck there and forget that we are all so much more.

If you drop that same inquiry in during meditation and wait for the settling, you can begin to connect to a deeper way of knowing yourself. Feeling for your “self” in the spaciousness of awareness can help you to experience the formless, unbounded, sweet quality of your essential nature. In this space, we can more easily see that we are not our thoughts and feelings, not the things that happen to us, or the things that don’t happen to us. We are not our circumstances, our social economic location, We are something else all together, something mysterious and whole. We can begin to see that the wholeness we find when we tune in, lives at the center of everyone we meet and those we will never meet. We begin to feel our interdependence in this space. Once we feel it, the path of compassion can really begin.

